Does it ever just drive you insane when scientists try to be all specific and sound smart even if they have no idea what they’re talking about? Well, maybe not like professional scientists. . . that probably sounds more like ninth grade students. Let me adjust that question: does it ever just drive you insane when ninth grade students try to be high and mighty when they’re not? Never mind. That’s not even what I was planning on writing about.
Anyway, my point is that sometimes scientists tend to act like ninth grade students. Sometimes they can’t make up their minds, and change their “theories” and “predictions” just to be super precise.
I remember way back when I was a little third grader, just barely learning about the planets and the order they’re in. I remember the teacher drilling into our heads little rhymes, poetic chants to help us remember the order. And it was a critical fact that Pluto was the last planet in order from the sun.
Then, a few years ago, all those smart scientists made a discovery that crushed Pluto. They found a bunch of other little planets about the size of Pluto. Apparently, they didn’t want to have to memorize a hundred more planet names when reciting the planets in order from the sun, so they kicked Pluto out. Completely just chopped his poor little head off. Smooshed him like a bug. If Pluto was a person, of course. But Pluto isn’t a person. So they just got rid of Pluto. Now in school they teach that there are only 8 planets (is that right??). Pluto supposedly fits into the category of a dwarf planet.
Then, the scientists got all smart and specific again. “Oh, the poor kids,” they said. “They’ll have to learn all about dwarf planets now and get all confused! Maybe we should just keep Pluto as a planet…”
Seriously people. Make up your minds.
Another example of smart people trying to be way to smart is the Tomato Debate. I’m not even sure if that’s a real thing, but it sounds cool so I’ll just call it the Tomato Debate.
In the beginning, tomatoes were vegetables. Then smart people got all smart and decided that since tomatoes have seeds, they should officially be classified as fruits. But if fruits and veggies are officially going to be classified by whether they have seeds or not, then cucumbers, squash, green beans, and even walnuts are all fruits!!!
Suddenly, tragedy struck. Those smart people got smart and started feeling bad for people (just like the scientists) because they had to learn their fruits and vegetables all over again! So they said, “Maybe we should just keep tomatoes as vegetables...” and the problem continues, hence the Tomato Debate.
I say we keep Pluto a planet, and keep Tomatoes as vegetables. Scientists and smart people don’t need to be so specific! Life will be that much simpler if we do. J